Austrian motor history is not well known, but we guess you heard about Ferdinand Porsche? Yes, he is Austrian! Austria had some great manufacturers such as Austro-Daimler, Gräf&Stift and Steyr. In 1903 Gottlieb Daimlers son Paul designed the first all-wheel driven armoured car. But when it was presented to public the sound of the engine shied the horse of Friedrich von Beck-Rzikowsky, chief of the imperial and royal general staff. Moody Kaiser Franz Josef I. was not amused and canceled the order.
As a result of this the k.u.k. war ministry refused Gunther Burstyns draft of the first modern tank in 1911. A big mistake in retrospect.
In the light of current events Austria developed a heavy hybrid Truck in 1909. It was driven by an reciprocating engine and a wheel hub drive in each tyre!
Austrian motor history is not well known, but we guess you heard about Ferdinand Porsche? Yes, he is Austrian! Austria had some great manufacturers such as Austro-Daimler, Gräf&Stift and Steyr. In 1903 Gottlieb Daimlers son Paul designed the first all-wheel driven armoured car. But when it was presented to public the sound of the engine shied the horse of Friedrich von Beck-Rzikowsky, chief of the imperial and royal general staff. Moody Kaiser Franz Josef I. was not amused and canceled the order.
As a result of this the k.u.k. war ministry refused Gunther Burstyns draft of the first modern tank in 1911. A big mistake in retrospect.
In the light of current events Austria developed a heavy hybrid Truck in 1909. It was driven by an reciprocating engine and a wheel hub drive in each tyre!